Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Right Weight Loss Protocol

 Finding The Right Weight Loss Product for you can be very time consuming because you will ask yourself, Will This Work For Me? 

The Eat Stop Eat is the Original Cleanse & Detox Healing Protocol and can be the right weight loss protocol for you. Here is an experience from Scott for you:

If you are thinking "will this still work for me"? here is another experience from a popular blogger Richard Nikoley:

Roberta's experience using the Eat Stop Eat Protocol is another rewarding one and she is pleased with the results. 

No matter how old or young you are the Eat Stop Eat Protocol will work for you. 

To enjoy the benefits from the Eat Stop Eat Protocol cost less than $10. 

Click the button below to view more information on The Eat Stop Eat Protocol and reap the rewarding experiences similar to those who uses this protocol.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Electrical Technology SBA Assistance

  If you are serious about sitting the CSEC exam for Electrical Technology, then the School Base Assessment (SBA) must be completed. 

There are quite a number of written sections you need to complete so to make things a bit easy I will try to make this as simple as possible.

For the first project, you need to complete these areas:

1. Organizational chart for a selected construction industry.

2. Organizational chart for a selected manufacturing industry.

3. Set of safety rules.

4. Report of an accident.

5. Small business plan.

The second project will take some amount of thinking skills so you can start by putting on your thinking cap.

The Design Principles and Process.
In this project these are the areas you need to complete:
1. Analysis of a situation
2. Brief of the problem
3. Research the problem
4. Specification of new design to solve problem
5. Drawing of new design
6. Test and evaluate new design (survey based)

7. Report on survey conducted.

In the third project you need to compile a presentation on The Modern Trends in Engineering Technology:

For this project you need to carry out a simple research on Modern Trends in an industry you choose then use this information to create a power point presentation of about seven (7) to ten (10) slides on your computer.

For the other four (4) projects you need to carry out some research and do a bit more electrical practical work- hopefully you have done some already.

If for any reason you may need assistance in completing these areas in your Electrical Technology SBA and need a one on one session please drop me an email at:


A cost may be attached for the assistance.

If this information is helpful in any way please leave a comment in the area provided below.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Baby Sleep Miracle Now

 This is an interesting topic for many mother's who just can't get enough sleep because their baby gets up ever so often during the night. 

I can vividly remember being at my workplace and my eyes are fighting to close on me because I had to be up with the baby during the night. This went on for weeks but I had to fight the sleep so I could get my work done and thank God I made it. 

I was not aware of this sleep miracle for the baby but at least a solution now exist for many mothers who are still fighting and bearing through this.

Please click below if you wish to get more information on Baby Sleep Miracle.


If you wish to try the Baby Sleep Solution click below

This is an affiliate page

Learning Reading Program for Children

 Sometimes it is a struggle getting your child up to reading level where they can read on their own. A lot of parents around the world are faced with this challenge and still continue to struggle finding a solution. 

If you are faced with this problem with your child, then I can offer you a solution, if implemented properly can bring your child up to reading level.

Before you go any further though I would love for you to look at some experiences from parents and children regarding the results of implemented this program to bring their child up to reading level.

Please click the button for more details.

This is an affiliate link.


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Teds Woodworking Plans

 If you are a woodworker or wanting to be one to make really interesting home projects, this is the site for you.

Ted have created hundreds of plans for woodworking projects you can choose from to make that special gift for yourself or someone you care for. This can add the perfect touch to that area in your home, garden or for that special person.

View some of the projects below you can make or click HERE to get a better picture to make a better decision:

This is a promotion by an affiliate. Thank you for choosing this project.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Webinar with John Crestani

 I am sure that at some point being on the internet and watching something on YouTube you would have encountered an advertisement about making money with JOHN CRESTANI. Maybe you have seen these advertisements on several occasions. 

The question may pop-up in your mind, is this man making so much money as he says he is or he is just a prank of a joke? If you have doubts you can do some research to find out who John Crestani really is and if his claims are true. The video below is an interview on The Morning BLEND with John Crestani about his success in affiliate marketing and how it has earned him millions of dollars.

Surely this man is successful in his business but at the same time I do not want to bore you with information about him. My aim is to help you to find out how he became successful by the strategies he uses. The picture below is a representation of John Crestani and surely you have seen him in the video above.

John is offering a free training series which will reveal step-by-step how you can successfully setup an online business to earn you money which can be another option, if you wish to your first job. 

John's aim though is not to make this online business be your second job. His aim is to make you become the CEO of your business so that you are working for yourself and not for someone else.

Click the button below for your FREE TRAINING.

After checking out the free training program and you wish to have a preview of John’s offers to become part of his team to help you make money you can click below.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Make Money By Trading Currencies

I know that the picture above may not interest you in any way but I put it there not because it looks boring but because I see possibilities.

Forex Trading System
Forex or Foreign Exchange Trading System Makes Money By Trading Currencies. The question is WHY TRADE.

Before I answer this question I will first tell you what is TRADING in the event you are not sure what this is about.

Trading in the context I am using it means to buy something, then wait until it is worth more than your purchase price then you sell to make a profit. That simple, but instead of buying any product, you are actually buying money.

How Does This Work
In some countries if not most, there is at least one time per day a comparison is made in the business news on television of the trade value of your currency (money) to other countries that your country do some kind of business with.

If I am living in a country example Jamaica W.I, my currency will be compared to the USD to determine which currency appreciate or depreciate. 

Say this is the trade values for both countries today.
JMD - $120 to $1 USD

Now we jump to tomorrow (next day).
JMD - $120.50 to $1 USD

It now will cost $120.50 cents to buy $1USD therefore the USD appreciated in value.

The idea
What if you had bought the USD when the JMD was $120 to $1 USD? This would mean that you have gained the next day 50 cents JMD by holding the USD.

This profit is very small in comparison to buying say $1,000 USD or even $2,000. Remember also that the USD could also increase by a $1 or more which would allow you to gain more.

The Reality
There are several currency trading on the Foreign Exchange Market so you are not limited to only ten (10) or twenty (20). There are far more than that so your personal trading can be huge depending on your choice.

In order for you to chose more profitable trades, which means you win more, there is a software that evaluate the market based on previous tradings to see which trade/s is more profitable

For you to evaluate these trades to see which are the better and more positive ones you will have to study the trades which means hard work. This is where the benefits of The Forex Trading Software comes in.

Though the Forex Trading software from history shows good performing trades, it only gives you predictions. However the trend of predictions has been more positive and has yielded a lot of money for its traders.

I know that in these times money is tight and jobs are scanty however, hope is not lost.

Your opportunity
If you are working and want your money to work for you, this can be another option for earning another income.

If you are not working but have some money to work with, this also can improve your situation.

If you are not working and do not have any money, this is your opportunity to self reflect and see what is the better path to take.

For me, I will keep trading to find different ways I can improve my wealth.

The cost of the Forex Trading Software is just $99 if you wish to be part of the trading system.

If after purchase you are dissatisfied with the software and for any reason you want a refund you can apply for this refund and receive your $99 and this is backed by Click bank 100%.

For more information CLICK HERE

Please leave a comment about this blog and your experience or other persons experience that you know of that uses the Forex Auto Trading System. Your input is greatly appreciated, thank's.

Trading for beginners:

Forex Trading Advice:

Forex Auto Trading Demo:

For Stock Trading Software

Interesting in woodworking click below to view details

I am an affiliate with click bank and will gain some form of compensation if you purchase this product but in no way will change the purchase price of this product

The Right Weight Loss Protocol

  Finding The Right Weight Loss Product for you can be very time consuming because you will ask yourself, Will This Work For Me?  The  Eat S...